
Case Study Report

CSI: Close Personal Protection

We are committed to listening and responding to the needs of our clients. We strive to set the highest of professional and sustained industry standards, one of uncompromising quality.


Provide tailored security and practical solutions in order for our clients to perform their activities peacefully and confidently without obstruction or hindering from others; our primary focus client safety.


In March 2021, CSI were contacted by a female person making enquiries for assistance in collecting her personable belongings, household items and monies owed from a northern suburbs residential address.

We were advised she had recently come out of a de facto relationship and was in the process of amicably finalising matters such as household items, and or cash settlement with her former partner. 

The person was a current lease holder on the property agreement and attended the address a week earlier with a friend to gather personal belongings.


The former partner a male middle-aged man solid heavy build, without warning became increasingly aggressive and assaulted the above person, who was left physically and emotionally shaken and traumatised by the experience. She was so concerned for her personal safety she secured herself inside the property lift until the arrival of police.

The person of interest (POI) had to be physically restrained by three police officers.

A number of serious direct threats were made that she believed had the potential to be carried out.

All the victim wanted was to move on with her life and a fresh start.

Client Next Steps

Our client attended the Perth Magistrates Court and was the successful applicant in a Violence Restraining Order (VRO).

One of the items listed in the order stated the applicant could attend the address to collect her belongings, and utilise the service of local police if she wished to do so.

Our Role

The victim’s goal was a quick resolution to the situation with a fair outcome to both parties.

She was ultimately concerned the POI would react with violence towards her and my staff upon our arrival.

Our client chose to engage with CSI for a more personable service and complete trust in our strategies, negotiation methods and safe handling of such a sensitive issue.

CSI completed a thorough risk assessment of all of the information provided.

Officers attended the address and conducted tactical surveillance in the lead up to the event.

When we arrived at the address to advise of our role and attendance, a number of persons were full of emotion.

Experience, strong negotiation skills, patients, empathy, and attention to detail strongly helped to pacify the situation.


The POI was highly agitated when he arrived at the address, particularly when he was made aware of CSI officer presence and informed of the VRO.

That said, after speaking to our team and taking firm advice he was fully compliant and willing to enter into negotiations.

A monetary amount was agreed to by both parties with contents of the agreement recorded in a Statutory Declaration and signed off by a Justice of the Peace.

The POI paid the agreed amount by close of business that same day.

Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse often escalates from threats and verbal assault to violence. And while physical injury may pose the most obvious danger, the emotional and psychological consequences of domestic abuse are also severe. Emotionally abusive relationships can destroy your self-worth, lead to anxiety and depression, and make you feel helpless and alone. No one should have to endure this kind of pain—and your first step to breaking free is recognizing that your relationship is abusive.

Remember, domestic violence is not ok.

Call 1800 RESPECT – Domestic Violence Australia

Confidential counselling and support service – web chat National support.

If you think CSI can assist by providing close personal protection call our friendly team today for a free quote.